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I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life 5 Strategies for Rebuilding Life

I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life:

We are surrounded by millions of examples of people who quit their jobs and now are millionaires living their best lives. Inspired by that, the fact that my job was ruining my life, and the constant feeling that my job didn’t care about me, I took a leap of faith and quit.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have that Aladdin’s magic lamp that most people who quit their jobs had, that seemed to make them successful. So, instead of living the fantastic life which I envisioned living, the spiral of depression and anxiety I fell into after quitting my job was worse than what I was going through when I was working. In simpler words, I quit my job and ruined my life.

Some Motives For Quitting Your Job

Quitting your job is a big decision that has the power to change your life completely. Quitting a job with no backup plan can be a recipe for disaster but can also serve as a catalyst for profound transformation. It forces individuals to confront their fears, tap into their resilience, and discover new paths that may lead to unexpected opportunities and personal fulfillment.

While there are a lot of pros and cons of leaving a job, sometimes the intensity of the cons outweighs the numerous pros and one has to quit that toxic environment.

Here are some motives which were shared by various people who quit their jobs.

I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life 5 Strategies

I Quit My Job For My Mental Health

46% of employees, according to American Psychological Association in 2020, have mental health issues due to their jobs.  It takes a lot of courage to remove yourself from things that damage you mentally and hence you should not be feeling guilty about quitting a toxic job. There are many reasons how a job can ruin your mental health such as

  • Excessive Workload:

This can leave you physically drained and unable to participate in any social or recreational activity that would bring you happiness.

  • Toxic Work Environment:

bullying, lack of respect, unsupportive colleagues and harassment, etc. are all reasons which contribute to a toxic environment and wreck your mental health.

  • Lack Of Recognition: 

Your job can be mentally draining if there is inadequate support, feedback, or recognition for employees’ efforts which can lead to feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and unsupported. 

  • Job Insecurity: 

if there is a constant fear of being fired, one can literally drown in anxiety and stress leading to mental exhaustion. 

I Quit My Job To Travel 

Another reason for quitting your job might be because you want to travel. Jobs are typically constraining and don’t allow much room for excessive adventure and traveling. You might be interested in new experiences, personal growth, and a break from the routine of daily work life. However, you might end up saying I regret quitting my job to travel if you quit your job without a backup plan as traveling can really deplete your savings. 

I Cannot Physically Do My Job Anymore

Your physical health should always be your first priority as no job is worth your health. Repetitive physical strains and occupational hazards need to be addressed as they can ruin your health in the long run. If your workplace does not address these concerns and makes you feel that jobs don’t care about you it’s better to quit. 

5 Reasons Why Do You Feel ‘I Quit My Job And Ruined My Life’

There are many pros and cons of quitting a job. However, quitting a job with no back plan is going to have more cons than pros and can lead to the constant feeling of I quit my job and ruined my life.  

While there are numerous reasons why you would say I quit my job and ruined my life when there are others who are living perfectly happy lives after quitting. Some of the reasons are explored below.

Financial Struggles:

If you quit with no backup on the job, you can go into chaos of debts and difficulty in paying bills, this might lead you to regret quitting a high-paying job and cause a sense of ruin.

I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life

Career Setback:

Quitting a job to take a break is all fun and games until it looks bad on your CV and new interviewers feel as if you are not dedicated enough. This may lead to rejections and one may get tired of looking for a long-term job which might cause serious financial and mental health issues. 

Relationship Issues:

One of the main reasons why people feel  I quit my job and ruined my life is because quitting a job can cause strained relationships. Your spouse or parents may not feel it’s ok to quit a job suddenly. This may cause rifts, fights, and tension between individuals which make them feel a sense of wreckage.

You May Feel Like A Coward:

Many people end up quitting a job on a whim or in the heat of the moment. While the decision feels correct at that time, after the moment has passed you may feel as if it was a bad decision and quitting was the easy way out, and that you should have tried harder. This might be worsened if you quit an understaffed job.

Your New Job Is Worse Than The Old One:

You might feel I quit my job and ruined my life if the new job you start is worse than the old one. You might regret moving for a job and might miss your old job. Your new job might have many other issues such as harassment, racism, bullying, lower pay, etc which might feel as in your life is ruined. 

I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life

5 Foolproof Strategies for Rebuilding Life After I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life:

If you are in the same boat as me and feel that I quit my job and ruined my life, keep reading as we explore how to get out of these crossroads of uncertainty. You may not see that light at the end of the tunnel but trust me, there is a light, shining as bright as anything. 

It’s not the end of the world.

In fact, it’s an opportunity for a remarkable comeback. Buckle up and get ready, because I’m about to share with you 5 foolproof strategies that will help you rebuild your life after quitting your job. 

These aren’t just vague notions or wishful thinking; they’re practical, tried-and-true approaches that have helped countless individuals, including myself, rise from the ashes and create a life filled with purpose, success, and happiness.


So, let’s dive right in!

1. Define Your Goals

This might sound cliche, but one really needs to know their aims and goals before setting out to achieve them. You quit your job for a reason, be it mental peace, traveling, a toxic environment, or any other reason. Whatever it is, keep that in the forefront of your mind. You’ll just be spinning in endless circles if you end up in the same environment that you quit in the first place.

I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life

Understand what you want to do in life. There are some questions that you need to ask yourself. 

  • Do you want to continue your career in the same field or do you want to switch? 
  • Do you want to continue doing a corporate job or do you want to start your business? 
  • What position do you see yourself in? 

Questions like these will help you understand your goals better.

2. Enhance Your Knowledge:

In today’s world, knowledge is power and there is no age for education. Just because you are done with your degree does not mean the doors of education are shut for you. If you’ve quit your job, you don’t have to waste your time doing anything or getting depression get the best of you. 

In today’s world of technology learning new skills is a piece of cake given all the resources online. With these skills, you will not only excel in your future career but it is also going to give you a better perspective about your interests and passions.

I Quit My Job and Ruined My Life 5 Strategies

After all the goal of knowledge is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Pro Tip: you don’t have to focus only on skills related to your degree. Double up on soft skills such as communication skills, listening skills, time management, problem-solving, leadership, and empathy. Most of the time we end up ignoring these, but they are what takes you from average to excellent. 

3. Assess Your Financial Situation:

I can’t emphasize how important this is! Most of us end up quitting a job in the heat of the moment and then start drowning in quitters remorse. If there is one way to avoid the whole’ I quit my job and ruined my life’ fiasco it is by having a deep and honest knowledge about your finances. 

If you’ve already quit your job without understanding your finances, don’t worry, it’s still not too late. However, here is all that you need to know about finances before quitting your job.

Assess your financial situation

Consider things such as savings, investments, and potential income sources. Analyze how you can maximize your savings and make the best out of your investments if any. Work on the potential income sources so that they can cushion you while you transition from quitting your job to engaging in other jobs.

Another thing that you should never ignore is analyzing and writing down your expenses. When we think of it, there are endless everyday expenses that we don’t consider to be important being the most difficult to manage. Write down your expenses and see where you can narrow them down to make the most out of your savings. 

If you are someone like me who really struggles with cutting down expenses here are some great tips on areas where you can reduce your spending.

Furthermore having concrete knowledge about your financial situation is going to influence your career decisions. If your finances look good, you can afford to take more time for traveling or exploring other passions, but if the finances are gloomy, you’ll have to prioritize earning first.

Knowing your financial standing allows you to make realistic and well-informed decisions about your next steps.

4. Explore New Interests And New Passions:

Most people who quit their jobs claim that they quit their job because they had started hating them. Moreover, many people said that they ended up quitting their jobs because of the kind of person that job had made them. They were tired of the constant toxicity, constant drama, and the general feeling of helplessness. 

However, a lot of people ruined their lives by quitting their high-paying jobs too, this was mainly because they did not follow their passions and interests. Instead of knocking on the doors of opportunities they waited for opportunities to present themselves.

If you are in the same boat, my friend, I hate to burst your bubble but it’s not going to happen. Things don’t magically righten themselves after you come out of a toxic environment. You have to take measures into your own hands and do things which improve your conditions.

First and foremost comes following your passions. Remember how much fun you used to have while painting but you had to give it up because of the job, start that again. Remember the activities you really enjoyed, it may be something as trivial as meeting up with friends, cooking, singing, dancing, reading… literally anything!

Who knows, maybe you could take up that passion as a career.

5. Work Out Your Health-Both Mental And Physical:

Most people who quit their jobs and ruined their lives affirmed that while leaving that toxic job was great for their mental health it was horrendous for their physical health which increased their depression.

First and foremost, you need to understand that your mental and physical health are connected. You need to be physically fit for your mental health to blossom and vice versa. Quitting a job for mental health can take a toll on your physical health too leading to various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, anorexia, and whatnot. Hence, exercise and eat healthy to stay fit as a fiddle!

Now the main part; your mental health

You might feel guilty for quitting a toxic job and the financial strain might worsen the feelings of depression and anxiety, but understand that quitting was the best decision. Instead of crying over split milk focus on the future. 

Make a list of things that you want to do differently to avoid that lead to quitting. Secondly, NEVER EVER hesitate to ask for help. Accept that your mental health is not the best and it’s no shame in going to a therapist or psychiatrist for help. They are there to help you.

Pro tip: journaling is a great way to let out your feelings and sort out your emotions. Quitters’ remorse can ruin your peace, hence writing your feelings on a piece of paper is a great way to reduce the mental load.

Some Final Words:

Remember that this is your chance to rise from the ashes and tell a tale of resiliency and victory as you set out on the path of rebuilding your life after leaving your job. 

Make use of the engaging and creative techniques we’ve discussed and make the best use of your time. Follow your passion, surround yourself with encouraging people, and keep your mind open to the limitless opportunities that lie ahead. 

As you rebuild, keep in mind that you have the ability to transform your life and forge a future that is more promising and rewarding than you could have ever dreamed. Step into this new chapter with confidence since it is the start of an incredible journey that will lead to success, progress, and the realization of your true potential.


If you end up going back to your old job after quitting, embarrassment should be the lowest on your list. Instead, you should feel flattered and important because it was your extraordinary skills and talent which forced your employer to hire you again.

Sending a resignation letter because you were denied promotion is not a good idea because spontaneous quitting will only put your finances in a fix and leave you unemployed. Instead, write to your boss you think you are a better fit for the promotion and how you can help the company. Secondly, if the feelings of not being valued continue, start looking for another job, so you have a backup plan.

Toxic work environment, lack of respect, afraid of speaking no support of employee growth were few of the reason that made me quit my job

Well, yes! because I took the decision unplanned and under so much mental stress. It became more worst when I was dependable on my savings without any other source of income.

I had a gap in my employment history, which I had to address in interviews. However, I took the opportunity to expand my skills and explore other industries, which ultimately led to a more fulfilling career path.

Sometimes yes if from the financial crisis I faced during the unemployment period, sometimes no because I upgrade myself learn new skills and explore new opportunities that lead land on a better job.

To make ends meet during the unemployment period, I created a budget, cut back on expenses, and explored part-time work and freelance opportunities.

Absolutely. Leaving a familiar routine and facing uncertainty can be emotionally tough. It took time to adjust, but I focused on self-care, seeking support from loved ones, and staying positive.

I was honest about my decision to quit and highlighted the personal growth and skills I acquired during that period. I emphasized my commitment to finding the right fit and my enthusiasm for the new opportunity.

I took small steps towards rebuilding my life. I set new goals, pursued additional education and training, networked with professionals in my desired field, and remained open to new opportunities. As a result, I reached a better place gradually.

No, quitting a job is a personal decision that depends on individual circumstances. It's essential to assess your situation, consider the consequences, and weigh the potential benefits and risks before making a decision.



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